Apply the Bm pentatonic scale on these chords:
- Native chords: Bm, Bm7, D, D6, Dmaj7
- Minor pentatonic on major chord from the 3rd degree: G, G6, Gmaj7
- Minor pentatonic on major chord from the 7th degree: C, Cmaj7
- Minor pentatonic on major chord from the 2nd degree: A, Amaj7
Backing tracks
Jam on these backing tracks: Bm7, Gmaj7, Cmaj7
Related Scales
- The D Major Scale
- The Bm Pentatonic scale is contained within the D Major scale and starts at the major 6th interval.
- The Bm Pentatonic Scale is the same as the D Major Pentatonic scale.
- The A Major Scale
- The Bm Pentatonic Scale is a subset of the A Major Scale at the major 2nd position.
- The G Major Scale
- The Bm Pentatonic Scale can be found within the G Major Scale and starts on the major 3rd.