Guitar Fretboard Knowledge
The C Major Scale on 6-String Guitar in the Standard Tuning

C Major

The C Major Scale is a perfect starting point for mastering the guitar fretboard.

As you learn all about Per String, CAGED Scale Patterns and Chord Shapes3NPS and 4NPS scale fingerings, Modes, Triads and more, the guitar will open up to you and improvising and creating music will become automatic.

Practice and jam with our backing tracks to master this important scale. 

The C Melodic Minor Scale on 6-String Guitar in the Standard Tuning

C Melodic Minor

If you want to play Jazz music and improvise, the Melodic Minor Scale is essential learning, after you've begun mastering the Major Scale. In this study, we learn all about the C Melodic Minor Scale, As always, you will learn CAGED patterns, 3NPS, Modes, Triads and Seventh Chords, but there is much more...

The A Harmonic Minor Scale 800x600

A Harmonic Minor

The Harmonic Minor Scale is in the top 3 scales you should master. This sound is heard in many musical styles, including rock, metal, classical, flamenco and more. In this study, we learn all about the A Harmonic Minor Scale, learn the scale "Per String",  with CAGED Scale Patterns and Chord Shapes patterns and 3NPS, study it's Modes, Triads and Seventh Chords, and more.

Melodic Minor Sharp 4 - E Harmonic Major

A Melodic Minor #4

The Melodic Minor #4 scale (you can also look at it as a 'Harmonic Major' scale), is a fantastic slightly 'off-but-cheerful' sounding scale. In this study you will learn all about the A Melodic Minor #4 scale, learn its Per String, CAGED and 3NPS fingerings and more.

Am Pentatonic

A Minor Pentatonic

The first scale most guitarists learn and need is the Am Pentatonic Scale. First of all, learn the CAGED Scale Patterns and Chord Shapes.

Allan Holdsworth's 10 Most Usable Scales

Allan Holdsworth 10

Legendary guitarist and composer Allan Holdsworth presented 10 scales that are, according to him, the "most usable" ones. 

These scales will keep you busy for a lifetime. They do me!

Backing Tracks

Backing Tracks

Enjoy the growing collection of backing tracks to elevate your practice sessions to the next level. We are particularly fond of long-form backing tracks.

We focus on static backing tracks for jamming on particular chords and scales and on all kinds of common chord progressions, like the four chord song and jazz standard chord progressions, like the Jazz Blues, Rhythm Changes and Coltrane Changes.

Facts and Fiction about the CAGED System for Guitar

The CAGED System

What is the CAGED system? Should you know or use it?

This and other articles will help increase your knowledge and expand your skill-set on the guitar and your musicianship.