A Melodic Minor – All NotesA Melodic Minor ChordsAmMaj7 | Bm7 | Cmaj7#5 | D7 | E7 | F#m7b5 | G#m7b5 & G#7+Backing TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: AmMaj7 | Bm7 | Cmaj7#5 | D7 | E7 | F#m7b5 | …
Ab Melodic Minor
Ab Melodic Minor – All NotesSeventh ChordsAbmMaj7 | Bbm7 | Bmaj7#5 | Db7 | Eb7 | Fm7b5 | Gm7b5 & G7+Backing TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: AbmMaj7 | Bbm7 | Bmaj7#5 | Db7 | Eb7 …
B Melodic Minor
B Melodic Minor – All NotesBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: BmMaj7
Bb Melodic Minor
Bb Melodic Minor – All NotesBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: BbmMaj7
C Melodic Minor
C Melodic Minor – All NotesC Melodic Minor Scale Chords Triads Seventh Chords Cm Dm Eb+ Eb(b5) F F(b5) G G+ Adim Bdim B+ B(b5) CmMaj7 Dm7 Ebmaj7#5 Ebmaj7b5 F7 …
D Melodic Minor
D Melodic Minor – All NotesD Melodic Minor is scale number two on the list of Allan Holdworth’s 10 Most Usable Scales.Triads and Seventh ChordsThis is the complete list of …
Db Melodic Minor
Db Melodic Minor – All NotesBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: DbmMaj7
E Melodic Minor
E Melodic Minor – All NotesBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: EmMaj7
Eb Melodic Minor
Eb Melodic Minor – Full Fretboard ViewBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: EbmMaj7
F Melodic Minor
F Melodic Minor – All NotesBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: FmMaj7
G Melodic Minor
G Melodic Minor – All NotesBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: GmMaj7
Gb Melodic Minor
Gb Melodic Minor – All NotesBacking TracksPractice and jam with these backing tracks: GbmMaj7
The C Melodic Minor Scale – CAGED
The 5 CAGED Fretboard Positions Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3a Pattern 3b Pattern 4 Pattern 5a Pattern 5b Pattern 1a – Octave Pattern 1How to play:Corresponding Cm CAGED Chord …
The Melodic Minor Scale
Ab | A | Bb | B | C | Db | D | Eb | E | F | Gb | G Ab Melodic MinorA Melodic MinorBb Melodic MinorB …