Open Chords in the key of A

Open Chords in A
The A Major Chord in the Open Position - 4 Notes
A Chord with a C# bassnote - Open Position
The A Chord Barred with a C# Bass Note - Open Position
The A Chord with an E Bass Note - Open Position - Shape 1
The A Chord with an E Bass Note - Open Position
The A Chord with an E Bass Note - Open Position - Shape 3
The A Chord with an E Bass Note - Open Position - Shape 4
The A Chord with an E Bass Note - Open Position - Shape 5
The A Chord with an E Bass Note - Open Position - Shape 6
The Asus4 Chord in the Open Position
A5 Open Position Rock Chord - Power Chord - Shape 1
A5 Open Position Rock Chord - Power Chord - Shape 2
A5 Open Position Rock Chord - Power Chord - Shape 3
A5 Open Position Rock Chord - Power Chord - Shape 4
The Asus2 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 1
The A7 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 1
The A7 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 2
The Aadd2 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 1
The Aadd2 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 2
The Amaj7 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 1
The Amaj7 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 2
The Amaj7 Chord in the Open Position - Shape 2 Barred