A Harmonic Minor – Per String

A Harmonic Minor - G String

The easiest way to start learning scales on guitar, is by memorising them "per string".

On guitar, learning a scale "per string" first, before learning other common fingerings, like the CAGED patterns and the 3NPS (3 notes per string) fingerings, is actually the most intuitive and musical way.

As soon as possible, apply these scales to C Major Scale Backing Tracks and start jamming!

The A Harmonic Minor Scale on the High E String

A Harmonic Minor on the High E String

The A Harmonic Minor Scale on the B String

A Harmonic Minor on the B String

The A Harmonic Minor Scale on the G String

A Harmonic Minor - G String

The A Harmonic Minor Scale on the D String

A Harmonic Minor on the D String

The A Harmonic Minor Scale on the A String

A Harmonic Minor on the A String

The A Harmonic Minor Scale on the Low E String

A Harmonic Minor on the Low E String