C Major CAGED Chord Shapes

C CAGED Chord Shape 5b

These are the most important chord shapes for the CAGED System in the key of C. 

Learn these chords and practice them until you can play them fluently and with good articulation. You have to be able to find them quickly all over the guitar neck.

The next step is to match the CAGED fingerings for the C Major Scale to each of these chord formations.  


How to put it to Practice

The best way to learn the CAGED so-called system, is to look at each of the scale patterns as CONNECTED to a particular chord shape.

In this video I will teach you the shapes and fingerings for the CAGED chord formations of the C Major chord.

These chord formations function as a foundation for the C Major scale CAGED fingerings.
You will learn to see the notes of each chord-shapes as a template around which the other scale-tones are added.

Some of these chordshapes may seem a little bit difficult to play, if you're not used to them.
But if you keep your hand relaxed, NO TENSION whatsoever when placing the fingers, and keep working on them, you will be able to play them.

If you have smaller hands, use the alternative chords instead of the full chord grips.

CAGED Shape 1 - The C Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 1

CAGED Shape 2 - The A Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 2

CAGED Shape 2a - The A Shape - Variation

C CAGED Chord Shape 2a

CAGED Shape 3 - The G Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 3

CAGED Shape 3a - The G Shape - Variation #1

C CAGED Chord Shape 3a

CAGED Shape 3b - The G Shape - Variation #2

C CAGED Chord Shape 3b

CAGED Shape 4 - The E Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 4

CAGED Shape 4a - The E Shape - Variation #1

C CAGED Chord Shape 4a

CAGED Shape 4b - The E Shape - Variation #2

C CAGED Chord Shape 4b

CAGED Shape 5 - The D Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 5

CAGED Shape 5a - The D Shape - Variation #1

C CAGED Chord Shape 5a

CAGED Shape 5b - The D Shape - Variation #2

C CAGED Chord Shape 5b

CAGED Shape 6 - The High C Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 6

CAGED Shape 7 - The High A Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 7

CAGED Shape 8 - The High G Shape

C CAGED Chord Shape 8

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