- Scale 1: D Dorian
- Scale 2: D Melodic Minor
- Scale 3: A Harmonic Minor
- Scale 4: A Melodic Minor #4
- Scale 5: G Dominant Diminished
- Scale 6: Bb Jazz Major
- Scale 7: C Jazz Dominant
- Scale 8: B Bebop Dorian
- Scale 9: A Bebop Melodic Minor
- Scale 10: Messiaen Mode 3 (the Tcherepnin scale)
- Internal Links
- External Links
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In 1992, REH released a video for Allan Holdsworth. In it, he gave a little glimpse of his process. His way of displaying and treating scales was of paramount importance.
Included with each of the scale diagrams is a list of the Common Chords which can be derived from that scale.
This article is a work in progress and this topic deserves much expansion, which will be implemented gradually. For the time being, please enjoy this initial listing!
Scale 1: D Dorian

Allan's symbol: Dx
Scale 2: D Melodic Minor

- Allan's symbol: Dⓧ
Scale 3: A Harmonic Minor

- Allan's symbol: Aⓧ -6
Scale 4: A Melodic Minor #4

Allan's symbol: Aⓧ +4
Scale 6: Bb Jazz Major

- Allan's symbol: Bbɤ
Scale 7: C Jazz Dominant

- Allan's symbol: C7ɤ
Scale 8: B Bebop Dorian

- Allan's symbol: Bxɤ
Scale 9: A Bebop Melodic Minor

- Allan's symbol: Aⓧɤ
External Links
- The Allan Holdsworth Information Center: http://fingerprintsweb.net/ahwiki/
- Just for the Curious: http://threadoflunacy.blogspot.com/p/just-for-curious.html