A Harmonic Minor Backing Tracks

Am Andalusian Cadence 0001

Practice the A Harmonic Minor Scale (and all of its modes) with these backing tracks.Song Format Backing Tracks Am “Andalusian Cadence”A Harmonic Minor works perfectly on this backing track. To learn …

A Major Backing Tracks

ApplicationA Major Triad ScalesMajor Scale: A, D, EMelodic Minor: D, EHarmonic Minor: Db, DMinor Pentatonic: F#Minor Blues Scale: F#Melodic Minor #4: G, Bb, DGypsy Minor: DHarmonic Lydian: A, D, FDominant …

A Major Scale Backing Tracks

First, make sure you learn the A Major Scale on each individual string. Next, learn each of the G CAGED fingering patterns. After this, study the 3NPS (3 notes per …

A Melodic Minor #4 – 3 Notes Per String – 3NPS

After you’ve learned the scale on each individual string as well as  the CAGED patterns, it time to progress to the “3 Notes Per String” fingerings. These fingerings facilitate a …

A Melodic Minor #4 – CAGED

The CAGED ‘System’ is the way the guitar fretboard (in the Standard Tuning only!) can be divided into manageable chunks which are easier for beginners than certain other fingers, but …

A Melodic Minor #4 – Per String

The easiest way to start learning scales on guitar, is by memorising them “per string”. On guitar, learning a scale “per string” first, before learning other common fingerings, like the …

A Melodic Minor #4 Backing Tracks

A Melodic Minor Sharp 4 Backing Tracks

Practice the A Melodic Minor #4 Scale (and all of its modes) with these backing tracks.Song Format Backing Tracks Backing Tracks for A Melodic Minor #4 Scale ModesFunky 0001 idim7 Adim7 …

A Minor Backing Tracks

ApplicationA Minor Triad ScalesMajor Scale:  C, F, GMelodic Minor: A, GHarmonic Minor:  A, Db, EMinor Pentatonic: AMinor Blues Scale: AMelodic Minor #4: A, BbGypsy Minor: A, Bb, DbHarmonic Lydian: Bb, …

A7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: A | Seventh Chords: A7 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: A Mixolydian Dominant Diminished Scale: A dominant diminishedA7 Static Backing Tracks

A7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: A7+ Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes:  A Phrygian Dominant A Mixolydian b6 A Super Locrian (Altered Scale) A7#5 Static Backing …

Ab Major Backing Tracks

ApplicationAb Major Triad ScalesMajor Scale: Ab, Db, EbMelodic Minor: Db, EbHarmonic Minor: C, DbMinor Pentatonic: FMinor Blues Scale: FMelodic Minor #4: A, Db, GbGypsy Minor: DbHarmonic Lydian: Ab, Db, EDominant …

Ab Major Scale Backing Tracks

First, make sure you learn the Ab Major Scale on each individual string. Next, learn each of the G CAGED fingering patterns. After this, study the 3NPS (3 notes per …

Ab Minor Backing Tracks

ApplicationAb Minor Triad ScalesMajor Scale: B, E, GbMelodic Minor: Ab, GbHarmonic Minor: Ab, C, EbMinor Pentatonic: AbMinor Blues Scale: AbMelodic Minor #4: Ab, AGypsy Minor: Ab, A, CHarmonic Lydian: A, …

Ab7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Ab Seventh Chords: Ab7 Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Ab mixolydianAb7 Static Backing Tracks

Ab7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: Ab7+ Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes: Ab Phrygian Dominant Ab Mixolydian b6 Ab Super Locrian (Altered Scale) Ab7#5 Static Backing …

Abm7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Abm Seventh Chords: Abm7  Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales: Abm Major Scale Modes: Ab aeolian | Ab dorian | Ab phrygianAbm7 Static Backing Tracks

Abm7b5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Abdim | Seventh Chords: Abm7b5 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Ab LocrianAbm7b5 Static Backing Tracks

Abmaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Ab |  Seventh Chords: Abmaj7 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Ab MajorAbmaj7 Static Backing Tracks

Abmaj7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: Abmaj7#5 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Abmaj7#5 Static Backing Tracks

AbmMaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: AbmMaj7 Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes:  Ab Melodic Minor AbmMaj7 Static Backing Tracks

Am Andalusian Cadence Backing Track 0001

Am Andalusian Cadence 0001

What to play on this backing trackThis song is all about the A aeolian mode. It does have an E major chord on which some notes may clash a little.  …

Am7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios: Am | Am7 |  Scales and Modes: Modes: A aeolian | A dorian | A phrygian | Pentatonic: Am pentatonic | Static Am7 Backing Tracks

Am7b5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Adim | Seventh Chords: Am7b5 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: A LocrianAm7b5 Static Backing Tracks

Amaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: A | Seventh Chords: Amaj7 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: A MajorAmaj7 Static Backing Tracks

Amaj7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: Amaj7#5 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Amaj7#5 Static Backing Tracks

AmMaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: AmMaj7 Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes:  A Melodic Minor AmMaj7 Static Backing Tracks

Andalusian Cadence Backing Track in All Keys 0001

Andalusian Cadence 0001 Backing Tracks in all Keys

Abm Andalusian Cadence Ab Aeolian Mode (B Major Scale) Ab Harmonic Minor Scale Ab Gypsy Minor Scale Am Andalusian Cadence A Aeolian Mode (C Major Scale) A Harmonic Minor Scale …

B Major Backing Tracks

ApplicationB Major Triad ScalesMajor Scale: B, E, F#Melodic Minor: E, F#Harmonic Minor: D#, EMinor Pentatonic: G#Minor Blues Scale: G#Melodic Minor #4: A, C, EGypsy Minor: EHarmonic Lydian: B, E, GDominant …

B Major Scale Backing Tracks

B Major Scale Backing Tracks

Whenever you start learning the B Major Scale, you start using backing tracks for practicing and jamming.  Enjoy our growing collection of custom backing tracks! First, make sure you learn …

B Minor Backing Tracks

ApplicationB Minor Triad ScalesMajor Scale: D, G, AMelodic Minor: A, BHarmonic Minor: B, Eb, GbMinor Pentatonic: BMinor Blues Scale: BMelodic Minor #4: B, CGypsy Minor: B, C, EbHarmonic Lydian: C, GDominant …

B7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: B | Seventh Chords: B7 |  Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: B MixolydianB7 Static Backing Tracks

B7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: B7+ Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes:  B Phrygian Dominant B Mixolydian b6 B Super Locrian (Altered Scale) B7#5 Static Backing …

Backing Tracks

Am7 Funky Static Backing Track

Static Chord Backing TracksCommon Chord ProgressionsBacking Tracks for Scales

Backing Tracks for Common Chord Progressions

Jazz Chord ProgressionsJazz Blues Chord ChangesJazz Blues Backing Track 001 in All KeysRhythm ChangesRhythm Changes Backing Track 001 in All KeysRhythm ChangesRhythm Changes Backing Track 002 in All KeysColtrane ChangesColtrane …

Backing Tracks for Scales

MajorAb | A | Bb | B | C | Db | D | Eb | E | F | Gb | GHarmonic MinorAb | A | Bb | B | C | …

Bb Major Backing Tracks

ApplicationBb Major Triad ScalesMajor Scale: Bb, Eb, FMelodic Minor: Eb, FHarmonic Minor: D, EbMinor Pentatonic: GMinor Blues Scale: GMelodic Minor #4: Ab, B, EbGypsy Minor: EbHarmonic Lydian: B, Eb, GbDominant …

Bb Major Scale Backing Tracks

Bb Major Scale Backing Tracks

Whenever you start learning the Bb Major Scale, you start using backing tracks for practicing and jamming.  Enjoy our growing collection of custom backing tracks! First, make sure you learn …

Bb Minor Backing Tracks

ApplicationBb Minor Triad ScalesMajor Scale: Db, Gb, AbMelodic Minor: Bb, AbHarmonic Minor: Bb, D, FMinor Pentatonic: BbMinor Blues Scale: BbMelodic Minor #4: Bb, BGypsy Minor: Bb, B, DHarmonic Lydian: B, …

Bb7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Bb | Seventh Chords: Bb7 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Bb Mixolydian Dominant Diminished Scale: Bb dominant diminishedBb7 Static Backing Tracks

Bb7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: Bb7+  Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes:  Bb Phrygian Dominant Bb Mixolydian b6 Bb Super Locrian (Altered Scale) Bb7#5 Static Backing …

Bbm7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Bbm Seventh Chords: Bbm7 Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales: Bbm Major Scale Modes: Bb aeolian | Bb dorian | Bb phrygianBbm7 Static Backing Tracks

Bbm7b5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Bbdim |  Seventh Chords: Bbm7b5 |  Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Bb Locrian | Bbm7b5 Static Backing Tracks

Bbmaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Bb | Seventh Chords: Bbmaj7 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Bb MajorBbmaj7 Static Backing Tracks

Bbmaj7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: Bbmaj7#5 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Bbmaj7#5 Static Backing Tracks

BbmMaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: BbmMaj7 Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes:  Bb Melodic Minor BbmMaj7 Static Backing Tracks

Bm7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios: Bm | Bm7 Scales and Modes: Bm pentatonic | B aeolian | B dorian |  Static Bm7 Backing Tracks

Bm7b5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: Bdim | Seventh Chords: Bm7b5 |  Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: B locrian mode Melodic Minor: D Melodic Minor  Harmonic Minor: A Harmonic …

Bmaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads: B |  Seventh Chords: Bmaj7 | Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: B MajorBmaj7 Static Backing Tracks

Bmaj7#5 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: Bmaj7#5 Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Major Scale Modes: Bmaj7#5 Static Backing Tracks

BmMaj7 Backing Tracks

Application Chords and Arpeggios Triads:  Seventh Chords: BmMaj7 Scales and Modes Pentatonic Scales:  Diatonic Scale Modes:  B Melodic Minor BmMaj7 Static Backing Tracks